The Jazz Bass is of one of Fender’s most successful and iconic designs from the pre-CBS era.This Fender Jazz bass from 1964 is a spectacular playing and sounding example of a Pre-CBS instrument. The body color is a strong and unfaded sunburst with the finish showing some play wear and a small area where the finish is worn down (likely from a belt buckle) on the back/ middle. The tortoise guard is uncracked, exceptionally rich in color and shows only light shrinking, the hardware is in
good condition and the neck/ frets show fairly light play wear. The neck plate is upside down though it is apparent from the finish pattern on the back, it was placed on that way originally at the factory in 1964. The pickups and potentiometers (dating to 26th week of 1964) are original though two ground wires appear to have been added at some point. This is a spectacular playing, nicely broken in and strong sounding pre-CBS Fender Jazz Bass. Comes with original black case.


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